Meeting 14 January 2020



PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams, J Richmond, P Baildon and clerk G Simpson.

Also, Cllr G Cullen, Cllr S Harrison and 4 members of the public.

Public Session.

             A request was made to rotate the speed notices to Beesby Road.

19/067] Chairman’s welcome.

            The Chairman opened the Council Meeting by welcoming all to the new decade.

19/068] Apologies.

            Apologies had been received from Cllr White.

19/069] Declaration of Interests and applications for dispensation in relation to DPIs.


19/070] Notes of the meeting held on 26 November 2019 to be approved as minutes.

            It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the presented notes as the minutes of the previous meeting, signed by the Chairman Cllr Whitehouse. 

19/071] Clerk’s report on matters outstanding.

             The clerk had contacted Mr Merritt and Mr Aldrich regarding the grass cutting contract for the coming 3 years and had received tenders.  Mr Aldrich had emptied the bin in the churchyard and built the compound for the grass cuttings.  Also, he had completed the path clearance work on the corner opposite the Garage but suggested it should be extended up to the Village Hall.  After discussion this further work was approved, also to go over the previous work as hedge cutting activities by tractor had created a bit of a mess!  The precept form had been submitted, the tax base had increased by 4 to 140, and receipt had been acknowledged.  LALC had been consulted on the matter of precepting for the Village Hall and the Council do have the power to do so.  Full Council will need to decide if it is something that should be included in the budget and to what extent.  It was agreed this should be put on the agenda for the next meeting.

19/072] Chairman’s report.

            The Chairman reported traffic lights had appeared near the Turks Head, hopefully the manhole repair was now complete.  Barclays Bank have opened a cash machine in Mablethorpe which should be useful, there is also the Co-op.  The grass cutting compound built in the churchyard is of a good size and should be more than adequate.  A large branch is hanging dangerously near the entrance to the churchyard from the Crown and remedial action is suggested.  Also, part of the footpath on Strubby Road requires some clearance work and after discussion it was agreed the Chairman should meet with Mr Aldrich when he is in the Village to discuss what can be done and the costs involved.

19/073] Reports from Outside Bodies.  

            Cllr Cullen reported the County precept will increase by over 3.5% but services will still be cut by at least £121,000, with £66,000 coming out of Highways and countryside services.  There will also be changes to Fix My Street, but there are still ongoing problems with potholes.

            Cllr Harrison reported the District budget consultation will be on the website shortly and the translocation of the offices to Mareham Road, Horncastle is still being looked at but will probably go ahead at some point in the future.  The councillor was still chasing enforcement regarding Grange Leisure Park and the associated issues along the main road and had requested copies of our correspondence on the matter.  There was still a small amount of money left in her councillor grant and gave Cllr Baildon an application form for the Village Hall.

19/074] Financial Matters.

            The quarterly budget report and bank reconciliation were accepted and the coming budget had been amended given the new tax base figure.  Payment of the following was resolved; J Alldridge £47.50, Village Hall £63.00, and R Aldrich GM £88.00 + £36.00

19/075] Grass cutting contract 2020/22.

            Two tenders had been received for the three-year contract and after short discussion it was resolved to award the contract to Robert Aldrich Garden Maintenance whose previous work was of a high standard and had been well received.

19/076] Highways issues updates.

            The flooding problems at Bramble Corner are still an issue but Highways are supposed to be rodding the drains to see if this will resolve the matter?  Cllr Cullen had investigated our request for the speed limit out of Mablethorpe to be extended as far as Grange Leisure park but at present there are no plans to change it.

19/077] Planning.

            Comments objecting to applications N/112/02197/19 and N/112/02286/19 had been submitted in line with council policy.

19/078] Correspondence.

            The following list of correspondence was noted;

 CallConnect Christmas Offer

Glasdon Products

Pensions Regulator; re-enrolment and re-declaration

Sunshine Gym; outdoor fitness equipment

Alan Merritt; grass cutting tender

ELDC; planning application N/112/02197/19 land at Beesby Road

ELDC; planning application N/112/02286/19 at Grange Farm

Stryker; price increases to medical portfolio range

ELDC; precept form

Clerk & Councils Direct


The date of the next meeting was confirmed as the 10 March 2020 which will be preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.00pm


Meeting closed at 8.27pm.