Meeting 8 September 2020
PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams, P Baildon and clerk G Simpson.
Also, Cllr G Cullen, Cllr S Harrison and 4 members of the public.
Public Session.
No session scheduled due to the time limit of 40 minutes for the meeting to be completed.
20/021] Chairman’s welcome.
The Chairman opened the meeting with a minute’s silence in respect of the sad passing of Councillor Janet Richmond last month.
20/022] Apologies.
No apologies had been received before the meeting; however, Cllr White emailed the clerk later that night apologizing that he had unfortunately been detained in Louth A&E.
20/023] Declaration of Interests and applications for dispensation in relation to DPIs.
20/024] Notes of the meeting held on 14 July 2020 to be approved as minutes.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the presented notes as the minutes of the previous meeting, signed by the Chairman Cllr Whitehouse.
20/025] Clerk’s report on matters outstanding.
The clerk reported he had consulted with Mr Thorndike regarding the condition of the seat discussed at the previous council meeting and what remedial action was required. After approval the work had now been completed. The clerk had attended a remote training session on risk management provided by LALC which had been informative. The clerk had also attended a remote refresher training session with LCC regarding the new parish council websites and this has enabled him to spend several hours loading most of the required information. The new site is now nearly ready to go live. The death of Cllr Richmond had been reported to the Elections Officer at ELDC and a notice of vacancy for a parish councillor has been posted. Electors have until 21 September to notify the officer to call for an election but this would not be able to take place before May 2021 under the current restrictions. If 10 electors do not make contact by that date, then the parish council will be able to start the co-option procedure. The clerk had been contacted by the residents of Westfield House regarding speeding traffic and difficulties turning into their property, providing video evidence which had been forwarded to all parish councillors, district councillor and county councillor. This has been further backed up by complaints from residents further down Strubby Road near the 30mph signs. Mr Aldrich had highlighted two areas of concern regarding ground maintenance, the hedge at the bus shelter at Hodgetoft Lane requires a trim and a small area of rough grass near the other bus shelter could do with a tidy up. Councillors considered his quotes and resolved for the work to be done.
20/026] Chairman’s report.
The Chairman reported the refurbished seat was being used and he had posted laminated dog fouling notices provided by the clerk at various points but had a few left if anyone could suggest a suitable site.
20/027] Financial Matters.
The financial statement and bank reconciliation were accepted. It was resolved to approve the following payments; LALC £22.50 + vat, C Thorndike £40.00, R Aldrich GM £213.00, G Simpson £343.90
20/028] Proposal for extension of 30mph limit on Strubby Road.
After discussion Council agreed to send representation to Highways in support of extending the 30mph speed limit on Strubby Road (A157) to a point before the bends near Westfield House. If this was not attainable could a buffer 40mph limit be introduced, like it had been on the A1104, for this stretch of road and failing that could additional signage be provided warning of possible traffic crossing the carriageway near the blind bends.
20/029] Reports from Outside Bodies.
Cllr Harrison reported the subject of devolution was back again with discussions taking place about the possible amalgamation of various districts. There is also the possibility that all district councils will be lost.
Cllr Cullen also reported the issue of devolution with Cllr Martin Hill, leader of LCC, strongly pushing for it, however, there are many opposed to a singular unit for the whole county.
20/030] New LCC parish council website.
This item was omitted due to the time constraint on the meeting.
20/031] Planning.
Application N/110/01435/20 for the Coastal Zone Local Development Order lasting for two years was discussed and it was resolved to submit an objection under the flood risk and the added stress that the local infrastructure would be put under during the winter months.
20/032] Date of next meeting.
The Council agreed to set 3 November as the date for the next remote meeting.
The AGM for the Anne Bolles Educational Foundation was set as 1 December.
Meeting closed at 8.09pm.