Meeting 10 March 2020



PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams, A White, P Baildon and clerk G Simpson.

Also, Cllr G Cullen, Cllr S Harrison and 2 members of the public.

Public Session.

             No comments.

19/079] Chairman’s welcome.

            The Chairman opened the Council Meeting by welcoming all.

19/080] Apologies.

            Apologies had been received from Cllr Richmond.

19/081] Declaration of Interests and applications for dispensation in relation to DPIs.

            Cllrs Baildon and Williams declared an interest in item 19/086 regarding the village hall.  As this would leave the meeting inquorate for that item it was agreed to grant them dispensation to participate in the discussion.

19/082] Notes of the meeting held on 14 January 2020 to be approved as minutes.

            It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the presented notes as the minutes of the previous meeting, signed by the Chairman Cllr Whitehouse. 

19/083] Clerk’s report on matters outstanding.

The clerk had contacted Mr Merritt to inform him his tender for the grass cutting had been unsuccessful and Mr Aldrich to inform him his tender had been accepted.  Mr Aldrich had also been consulted regarding the additional footpath work discussed at the last meeting and had provided a quote for the work required.  LCC are changing the websites they host for parish councils and training is compulsory for the proposed new sites, so a place has been booked for later in the week at ELDC offices. A ward walk with Cllr R Davies from LCC, portfolio holder for Highways & Transport, has been accepted for 30 March, further details will be forthcoming when other parishes have replied.  Forms regarding the end of year accounts should be available by the end of the month.

19/084] Chairman’s report.

            The Chairman reported that on 26 February a blue ELDC notice stating Police concerns over the licensing was seen outside the Turks Head but it had been removed by the next day.  Cllr Cullen said he had not heard anything at the Licensing Committee.  The Post Office service at Oham lakes has been absent the last few weeks.  Also, problems with Barclay’s cash point machine in Mablethorpe have been reported.  The waste bin collection days will be changed to Wednesdays for the coming year.  The Inner Wheel Club at Alford & Mablethorpe will be donating £50 towards the cost of replacement defibrillator paddles.

19/085] Reports from Outside Bodies.  

            Cllr Cullen reported County had agreed the budget but things were fairly quiet at the minute.  He would be attending the ward walk with Cllr Davies.

            Cllr Harrison reported her persistence pursuing the footpath at Grange Leisure Park seems to be getting results with survey work currently being undertaken.  It would appear that the activation point for the legal agreement set years ago (2007) has finally been reached.  ELDC budget has been approved and is visible on the website.  The compulsory levy imposed on ELDC by the Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board represents 56% of the total Council Tax collected, leaving only 44% for other services.

19/086] Financial Matters.

            The proposal to include a payment to the Village Hall, towards the upkeep of the building, in the Council Budget was discussed and it was resolved to make an annual payment of £2 x the tax base figure (140) for this year (19/20) and next year (20/21).  This figure will be reviewed annually when setting the budget for the precept.  The finance report and bank reconciliation were approved.  Approved payments; G Simpson £357.50, ICO renewal £35.00, R Aldrich GM £48.00 + £30.00 + £96.00, Village Hall £280.00, LALC £147.14

19/087] Highways meeting with Cllr Davies.

            The final arrangements for the ward walk with Cllr Davies are currently unknown but the Chairman and Cllr Baildon are due to meet with the officials on 30 March.  It was agreed items to be brought up should include the conditions on Maltby Straight, speed limits, flooding at Bramble Corner and potholes.

19/088] Planning.

            Application N/112/02197/19, land at main road, has received full planning permission. Application N/112/02286/19, Grange Farm, has an amendment but Council decided not to add any further comments.

19/089] Correspondence.

            The following list of correspondence was noted;

Broxap bins

Glasdon Products

Lloyds statement

LALC annual membership


The date of the next meeting was confirmed as the 5 May 2020.



Meeting closed at 8.43pm.