minutes 11 November


PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, J Gray, B Williams, A White, S Hill-Andrews and clerk G Simpson, also County Cllr N Sear, District Cllr T Hesketh, David Fannin and two members of the public.

Public Forum.

            There were questions about speeding in the village, maintenance of the defibrillator, and the width of the footpath heading north from the Village Hall.  Mr Alldridge thanked the Council for the vouchers he had received.

24/043] Chairman’s welcome.

            The Chairman opened the Council meeting at 7.15pm, welcoming the guest speaker.

24/044] Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given.

            No apologies.

24/045] Declarations of interest and applications for dispensations.


24/046] Conformation of minutes of the meeting on 2 September 2024 as a true record.  

            It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the distributed notes as the minutes, signed by the Chairman.

24/047] Update from the Community Partnership.

            Independent Chair of the Theddlethorpe GDF Community Partnership, David Fannin, gave a presentation explaining the role of the partnership, its current activities and what it hopes to achieve going forward.  This was followed by a question-and-answer session.

24/048] Clerk’s report on outstanding matters.

            The Clerk reported he had attended the virtual LALC EGM followed by a very interesting presentation about the Government consultation to change the National Planning Policy Framework and its likely implications for East Lindsey.  The bottle bank at the Turks Head is not ELDC’s but is from Glass Recycling UK.  Robert Aldrich will attend to the churchyard hedge when the grass cutting demands ease.  Adam at Woodthorpe GC had been sent a letter of thanks for the Garden Competition.  All approved payments have been made along with the transfer from the saving account.  Victoria Atkins is holding a community summit on 6 December at Horncastle, you need to book to attend.  Councillors thought no action was required after receiving a Bus Shelter audit from LCC.   

24/049] Chairman’s report.

            The Chairman thanked Cllr Gray for presenting the Garden Competition winners their prizes and thanked the Village Hall for organising an excellent remembrance service.  The police camera van continues to appear periodically.  The noticeboard at Hodgetoft Lane is in a shabby state and asked if we could get our contractor to give it a good clean and look at the pavement mentioned in the public forum, this was approved.

24/050] Reports from outside bodies.

            Cllr Hesketh reported on his dealings with the Community Partnership and the work of the Guardians of the East Coast, providing copies of their survey in response to the proposed GDF.  Also, he had discussed at length with Andy Roberts the proposed pylons for our region but as this is a national infrastructure matter it is going to be a big battle to stop it.  He was impressed by the parish newsletter and found it very informative on villages issues.

            Cllr Sear reported work on the A1104 had finally started on hoped it would not be delayed by the problem with badgers causing damage to the A52 at Mablethorpe.  The issue with the pavement on Strubby Road is in the program to be investigated.  There is a Bank Hub in operation at Mablethorpe with various banks in attendance on different days.

24/051] Financial matters.

            The current financial report was presented and the bank reconciliation was approved.  Budgett proposals for the next financial year were discussed and after amendment it was resolved to increase the precept by £200 (a 4.3% increase if the tax base remains at 150).   It was resolved to make payments; Cllr Gray newsletter £60.80, R Aldrich GM as per contract.

Lloyds Bank are changing our Treasurers Account to a Community Account with a monthly maintenance fee of £4.25.

24/052] Speeding in the village.

            The Road Safety Partnership have been approached to try and get some form of speed camera for the village but currently we do not meet the criteria for them to be able to install one.  They have agreed to carry out another traffic survey next summer.  Prices for flashing signs have been sought but the Council does not have sufficient funds to finance this.  The Chairman agreed to investigate the possibility of a grant from the Community Investment Fund to cover the cost of two of these signs for the village.

 24/053] Planning.

            An objection to application N/112/01162/24 at the Turk’s Head was submitted but a notice of Full Planning Permission has been received for this application and for the application N/112/01097/24 at Beach Lodge.

24/054] Correspondence.

            Correspondence noted from; Lloyds Bank, Glasdon Products, Elan City, and Clerk & Councils Direct.

24/055] Motion to go in to closed session for confidential matter.

            Motion approved; Clerk performance review.

24/056] Confirm date of next meeting.

            The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 13 January 2025.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.00pm.