minutes 8 January


PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams, A White, J Gray, S Hill-Andrews and clerk G Simpson, also County Cllr N Sear.

Public Forum.

            There were no members of the public present.

23/051] Chairman’s welcome.

            The Chairman opened the Council meeting at 7.03pm as there were no members of the public present to ask any questions of the Council.

23/052] Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given.

            Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Hesketh.

23/053] Declarations of interest and applications for dispensations.


23/054] Conformation of minutes of the meeting on 13 November 2023 as a true record.  

            It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the distributed notes as the minutes, signed by the Chairman.

23/055] Clerk’s report on outstanding matters.

            The Clerk reported all approved payments had been made and asked councillors to note the payment of £77.70 for the approved repairs to the bus shelter and extra maintenance of the surrounding area.  Highways had been contacted regarding the date for footpath maintenance and this had now been done along Main Road.  Questions were asked why Strubby Road paths were omitted and Cllr Sear would make enquiries on behalf of the parish council.  Parish newsletters have been published on the council website and planning comments submitted to ELDC.  Also, the clerk had submitted the council’s opinions regarding the details held by ELDC for the village in their Local Plan, highlighting it should be reclassed as a small village, and completed a survey for the Local Plan on sports facilities and the like in our area.  The clerk reported on the remote meeting with senior members of the Police serving East Lindsey on the 5 December and the monthly remote meeting with the GDF Partnership on the 6 December.  The precept claim for 2024/25 has been submitted and it should be noted the tax base has increased to 150 from 146.

23/056] Chairman’s report.

            The Chairman had spoken with the gentleman responsible for the pile of rubble at the old Crown Inn mentioned in his last report and it is still the subject of an ongoing insurance claim but hopefully it will be eventually removed.  The damage caused by badgers in the Churchyard has been well repaired and with the additional fencing hopefully not repeated. The Police camera van has been seen in the village at least twice since the last meeting and seems to have a calming effect on the traffic.  The welcome to the village leaflet has been updated and delivered to new residents and the boundary hedge at Longhedges has been cut back from the pathway.  Cllr White has also trimmed the hedge along from the Hall.  The Chairman had visited the resident on Stoneleigh Farm Drive who had complained about the development behind her property and the matter is being pursued with ELDC.

23/057] Reports from outside bodies.

            Cllr Sear asked if members received the monthly newsletter supplied by LCC.  There appears to be interest in providing Mablethorpe with an NHS dentist, hopefully this will go ahead and provide a much-needed facility for the area.  With some additional funding for Highways, she will persist in trying to get improvements to Maltby Straight brought forward.

23/058] Financial matters.

            The current budget report was presented and the bank reconciliation was approved.  It was resolved to make payments; J Alldridge £60.00 and clerk expenses £42.00.  The council laptop requires expert attention and councillors gave permission for the clerk to seek necessary remedies as soon as possible.  It was agreed the clerk should transfer enough funds from the savings account to the treasurers account to cover expenses until the precept is paid in April.

23/059] LCC devolution consultation.

            The clerk provided a hard copy of the devolution information for councillors to study and decide how they wished to respond before the closing date of the consultation.  A large sum of money is involved but having a Mayor imposed is a high price to pay but may be better than the alternative!

23/060] Planning.

            It was noted applications N/01719/23, land adjacent to Puddington, N/112/01816/23, Old Mill Farm, and N/112/02071/23, the Willows, have all received full planning permission.

23/061] Annual Parish Meeting.

            It was agreed to hold the Annual Parish Meeting with the usual format on 11 March 2024 at 7.00pm before the parish council meeting which would follow immediately afterwards.

23/062] Correspondence.

            The following was noted; LCC devolution information, Lloyds Bank, Glasdon Products.

23/063] Confirm date of next meeting.

            The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 11 March 2024 following the Annual Parish Meeting.


           There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.03pm.