minutes 2 September


PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, J Gray, B Williams, A White, S Hill-Andrews and clerk G Simpson, also District Cllr T Hesketh and three members of the public.

Public Forum.

            Two residents spoke about their objections to planning application N/112/01162/24 change of use Turks Head to a private dwelling.  There was a lengthy debate about the proposal and likely consequences for the village.

24/030] Chairman’s welcome.

            The Chairman opened the Council meeting at 7.25pm.

24/031] Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given.

            Cllr N Sear had sent apologies.

24/032] Declarations of interest and applications for dispensations.


24/033] Conformation of minutes of the meeting on 1 July 2024 as a true record.  

            It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the distributed notes as the minutes, signed by the Chairman.

24/034] Clerk’s report on outstanding matters.

            The Clerk reported he had sent a negative response to SELCAN regarding a centralised pick-up point in the village.  All approved payments had been made and Robert Aldrich had been advised of the extra cuts approved for the wide verge at the corner.  Consultations were held with Cllr Gray regarding production of the newsletter and ordering new pads for the defibrillator with the preferred method of payment.  There is a virtual EGM for LALC on 12 September, the clerk to attend on behalf on the Council.

24/035] Chairman’s report.

            The Chairman thanked Cllr White for trimming the roadside hedge along from the Hall, but the buried village sign on Beesby road was still to be sorted, and the hedge at Longhedges was beginning to encroach on the pathway.  The camera van has again visited the village but with limited effect.  The Chair of the Village Hall committee has obtained a 1906 map of the village and it was agreed to go halves for cost of getting it framed so it could be put on display.  He thanked Cllr Gray for taking over production of the quarterly newsletters and had purchased the agreed vouchers for John Alldridge in appreciation of his long service to the village.  He had contacted the owner of the Church regarding maintenance of the Churchyard hedge but he had shown little interest.  The CPR training event had 12 attendees and was an excellent experience, other parishes are now contacting her to book similar events.  Adam at Woodthorpe Garden Centre had judged the Garden Competition, winner was “Timsah” and runner-up “Amberfield”.  Presentations to be made by Cllr Gray at the coffee morning on 14 September.  Our thanks again to Woodthorpe for their continued sponsorship of the event.

24/036] Reports from outside bodies.

            Cllr Hesketh reported he was sponsoring the Silver Band event this coming weekend and would be supporting a Christmas lunch for the older generation.  He was also raising money for breast cancer.  He also gave an account of the failings of the Community Partnership and encouraged people to respond to their surveys and to the consultation by Victoria Atkins MP.

24/037] Financial matters.

            The current financial report was presented and the bank reconciliation was approved.   It was resolved to make payments; Cllr Gray newsletter £72.80, Cllr Whitehouse engraving £15.00 and Vouchers £100.00, clerk expenses £36.00 and R Aldrich as per contract for July/Aug. It was agreed to reimburse Cllr Gray for defibrillator updates when they become available.  The clerk was delegated the authority to move money from the savings account as necessary to maintain a working balance in the treasurer’s account.  Councillors were reminded they should approve a budget for the coming year at the next meeting in November.

24/038] Churchyard hedge.

            There was debate about the upkeep of the large hedge at the churchyard and it was resolved to ask Mr Aldrich to carry out the necessary work and bill the council.

24/039] Speeding in the village.

            The issue of speeding in the village was thoroughly discussed and it was decided to contact the Road Safety Partnership regarding average speed cameras.  The clerk to report back.

24/040] Planning.

            Application N/112/01162/24, change of use Turks Head to a dwelling, was considered and it was agreed the loss of such an amenity was not good for the village and would submit an objection under SP14 of the East Lindsey Local Plan Core Strategy.

24/041] New Chair of the Community Partnership (GDF).

            There is a new independent Chair of the GDF Community Partnership, David Fannin, who has expressed a wish to attend a local council meeting.  He has been advised of the dates for our meetings but have had no reply to this point.

24/042] Confirm date of next meeting.

            The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 11 November 2024.


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.21pm.