minutes 11 March


PRESENT; Cllrs J Gray (in the Chair), B Williams, A White, S Hill-Andrews and clerk G Simpson, also County Cllr N Sear, District Cllr T Hesketh and one member of the public.

Public Forum.

            There was no public forum.

23/064] Chairman’s welcome.

            The Chairman, Cllr Gray in the absence of Cllr Whitehouse, opened the Council meeting welcoming those present.

23/065] Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given.

            Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Whitehouse.

23/066] Declarations of interest and applications for dispensations.


23/067] Conformation of minutes of the meeting on 8 January 2024 as a true record.  

            It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the distributed notes as the minutes, signed by the Chairman.

23/068] Clerk’s report on outstanding matters.

            The Clerk reported all approved payments had been made and asked councillors to note the payment of £89.98 for repairs to the council’s laptop.  After diagnostic tests it was determined to install a solid-state drive which had greatly enhanced the computer’s performance at a very reasonable cost.  Kimberley Pickett, the area co-ordinator of the PCC’s Safer Together team, had finally been contacted and invited to attend the February coffee morning at the Village Hall.  Emails from Victoria Atkins MP, Cllr Hesketh, Alford Town Council, and co-owners of Strubby North Airfield had been received regarding the National Grid’s proposal for pylons to be installed in our area resulting in Cllr Gray being registered to attend a meeting to discuss the matter at Alford Corn Exchange on 6 March. This meeting was for local councils with a guest speaker from the No Pylons group.  That same night I attended the remote Community Partnership monthly meeting for local councils receiving the latest updates regarding the proposed GDF at Theddlethorpe.  I had also registered to attend the flooding forum held by Victoria Atkins MP at Horncastle on 1 March but was unable to attend, however Cllr White was present at that meeting.  We have had a request from a company wishing to advertise in the Village Newsletter.  After short discussion, it was agreed there was not enough space in the newsletter to accommodate such an item.

23/069] Chairman’s report.

            The Chairman had provided a few details in his absence.  It was good to see the Police camera van had been seen four times in January.  Kimberley Pickett from the PCC Safer Together team had attended the February coffee morning and was well received, agreeing to look in to matters of concern raised.  He had some fraud prevention packs for anyone interested.

23/070] Reports from outside bodies.

            Cllr Sear informed the road to Mablethorpe was scheduled for repair in 2025/26 but having spoke with Cllr Davis it could be this year.  It is likely the road will be closed for up to 10 weeks from October.  It is also likely the 30mph limit on Strubby Road will be extended.  The councillor also highlighted LCC’s objection to the National Grid’s pylons proposal.

Cllr Hesketh reported he had asked 10 questions at the last full council meeting which had not been well received but he encouraged constituents to put forward questions for the council. He had partitioned the leader of ELDC to speak strongly against the proposed pylons for our area.  Regarding the GDF, he had applied to join the Community Partnership but had been rejected.  Also, he had written to Nuclear Waste Services with grave concerns over manipulation of surveys carried out by them.  He continues to be in contact with Kevin Proctor regarding grants as he has some ward funds available.

23/071] Financial matters.

            The current budget report was presented and the bank reconciliation was approved. Payments noted were; Lincs Photographers £89.98 and ICO renewal £35.00.  It was resolved to make payments; Clerk expenses £36.00 and in April, LALC subs £164.94.

23/072] National Grid pylons Grimsby to Walpole.

            Cllr Gray gave a report of the meeting held at Alford Corn Exchange.  Not only were the pylons a matter of great concern but also two vast substations are proposed for our area.  As the deadline for the survey was 13 March, she had delivered leaflets and freepost objection post cards to all houses in Maltby le Marsh.  Strubby had also been covered by somebody else.  Both the Chairman and the Vice-Chair had completed the survey for constituents on Victoria Atkins website.  Cllr Hesketh also encouraged all to register their objections because this decision will be made in London, not locally.  After discussion the Clerk was asked to contact Cllr C Matthews to register the Parish Councils objection to the scheme and fully support the County Council’s stance on the issue.

23/073] Planning.

            No new applications to discuss.

23/074] Correspondence.

            The following was noted; Clerk & Councils Direct, Lloyds Bank.

23/075] Confirm date of next meeting.

            The date of the next meeting, the Annual Council meeting, was confirmed as 13 May 2024.


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.10pm.