10 July


PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams, A White, J Gray and clerk G Simpson, along with County Cllr N Sear and 3 members of the public.

Public Forum.

            There was an extended discussion about the current planning application at the Turks Head with neighbours raising concerns about the structures already in place and problems with noise affecting their lives and business.

23/016] Chairman’s welcome.

            The Chairman opened the Council meeting at 7.35pm.

23/017] Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given.

            Cllr S Hill-Andrews sent apologies for his absence.  Cllr Hesketh sent apologies after the meeting had finished.

23/018] Declarations of interest and applications for dispensations.


23/019] Conformation of minutes of the meeting on 22 May 2023 as a true record.  

            It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the distributed notes as the minutes, signed by the Chairman.

23/020] Clerk’s report on outstanding matters.

            The Clerk reported all approved payments had been made and £10,000.00 transferred to an instant access savings account.  Cllr Whitehouse’s DPI form had been emailed to ELDC, the other councillors had posted theirs, so the clerk asked for their permission to publish copies on the parish council website.  The certificate of exemption was submitted to the external auditors on 25 May and all the relevant financial documents were published on the council website on 31 May.  The format of the Asset Register had been checked with LALC as requested and was correct for audit, but you could have another for insurance purposes.  Comments regarding the tree preservation order had been submitted as instructed.

23/021] Chairman’s report.

            The Chairman had seen LCC officials in the village who had informed him all the footpaths were scheduled for resurfacing in October.  The police camera van is still attending regularly and the Garden Competition will be judged on Wednesday (12 July).  BT lines will become digital at some time in the near future, but this will not be compatible with current burglar alarms and life-lines. He thanked Cllr White for cutting the hedge along from the Village Hall.  PC Coaches of Lincoln are now providing a service for the village and the Bus Stop sign opposite the Willows has been replaced but without a time-table.

23/022] Reports from outside bodies.

            Cllr Sear provided contact details for the Senior Definitive Map Officer at LCC if the council wanted to pursue the missing footpath sign mentioned at the last meeting.  The councillor was still trying to get a temporary 40 mph limit along the length of Maltby Straight until the carriageway can be resurfaced, currently scheduled for 2025.

23/023] Financial matters.

            The current budget report was presented and the bank reconciliation was approved.  It was resolved to make payments; Clerk expenses £36.00, J Alldridge £60.00 and R Aldrich GM as per contract for May/June.

23/024] Planning.

            It was noted N/112/00607/23 The Willows and N/112/00722/23 Plot 3 Hodgetoft Lane had received full planning permission.  Comments on N/112/01001/23 Turks Head had been submitted.  It was also noted there was an enforcement investigation at the Turks Head regarding use of land as a caravan site.

23/025] Correspondence.

            The following was noted; Clerk & Councils Direct, Lloyds Bank, Glasdon Products and Littlethorpe bus shelters.

23/026] Confirm date of next meeting.

            The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 11 September 2023.


           There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.17pm.