Minutes 14 November


PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams, A White, S Hill-Andrews, J Gray and clerk G Simpson, along with County Cllr N Sear and one member of the public.

Public Session.

            No comments.

22/044] Chairman’s welcome.

            The Chairman opened the Council meeting thanking everyone for turning out on a filthy night.

22/045] Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given.

            Apologies were received from District Cllr Harrison.

22/046] Declarations of interest and applications for dispensations.


22/047] Conformation of minutes of the meeting on 5 September 2022 as a true record.  

            It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the distributed notes as the minutes, signed by the Chairman.

22/048] Clerk’s report on outstanding matters.

            The Clerk reported all approved payments had been made and the website updated, including during the mourning period after the death of the Queen.  All planning comments had been submitted as instructed and enquiries made where necessary.  Officers at East Lindsey had been questioned as to why Maltby le Marsh is still classed as a medium village and Simon Milson had replied explaining categorisation of settlements cannot be changed unless it is part of a formal review which is a lengthy process and is currently being studied.  The Foot-light, Pole 20, still isn’t working despite several attempts chasing the matter.  LCC is now the contractor for EL foot lights and their website shows works on the light are planned but there is no timetable and after contacting customer services I am still waiting for clarification as to when this will actually happen.  The clerk had attended the last two monthly remote meetings of the GDF Theddlethorpe Community Partnership, some places were yet to be filled but interviews are ongoing.  The second edition of the newsletter had been recently delivered to those in the search area and other local events are in the pipeline, but you can visit them at the Coastal Centre in Mablethorpe.

22/049] Chairman’s report.

            The Chairman thanked Cllr White for the hedge cutting along from the Village Hall and reported the speed camera van had attended the village again.  Woodthorpe GC had not been able to judge the Garden Competition this year but hoped to next year, although they did supply some vouchers.  Work by Contractors opposite “The Willows” had cleared some of the footpath scheduled for attention by Robert Aldrich, so it was suggestion the Clerk contact him to see what can be done.  A plaque commemorating Philip Baildon, the wording approved by his wife, is now on display in the main hall.

22/050] Reports from outside bodies.

            Cllr Sear’s report regarding the condition of Maltby Straight (A1104) produced a lively debate and plans for resurfacing in 2024/25 were widely condemned.  One side is particularly dangerous and recent patching has only made it worse.  A 50mph speed limit may be an appropriate measure whilst major repairs are forthcoming.  Cllr Sear was meeting with the local highways officer the next day and would highlight the parish council’s concerns about the road and foot-light 20.

22/051] Financial matters.

            The current budget report was presented and the bank reconciliation was approved.  It was resolved to make payments; Clerk expenses £33.00, R Aldrich GM £173.00 + £104.00.  The draft budget for 2023/24 was discussed and given the current economic climate expenses would inevitably rise.  It was thought prudent to increase the precept by more than normal, resolving an increase to £4500.00.

22/052] LGA Code of Conduct.

            Discussions were held regarding the adoption of the LGA Code of Conduct and then the Civility & Respect pledge.  It was resolved to adopt the new Code of Conduct and after reflection it was thought there was no great need to officially sign up for the pledge.

22/053] Grass cutting contract 2023 to 2025.

            After discussion it was agreed not to amend the current grass cutting contract but to put it up for tender for the next 3 years under the current conditions, additional cuts could be requested as extras if necessary.  At least 3 tenders would be sought.

22/054] Planning.

            N/112/01590/22, land adjacent to Braeside, had approval of section 73 application.  N/112/01817/22 for 2 advertisement signs received approval.  Updates on N/112/01103/22, Rose Marie, were given with responses from both Highways and Anglian Water.  The response from Simon Milson regarding recategorization of settlements was discussed but there is nothing we can do before consultations for the new EL Local Plan are sought.

22/055] Correspondence.

            The following was noted; Clerk & Councils Direct, Lloyds Bank, LALC Annual Report, Glasdon Products, Sunshine Gym and HCM Contractors.

22/056] Date of next meeting.

            The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 9 January 2023 at 7.00pm.

22057] Motion for closed session because of the confidential nature of the business.

            Clerk’s performance review.


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.27pm.