Minutes 9 May


PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams, A White, S Hill-Andrews and clerk G Simpson, along with District Cllr S Harrison and 12 members of the public.

Public Session.

The Chairman allowed the session to run-over as there were a number of concerns raised regarding current planning applications at Plot 2 Hodgetoft Lane and Stoneleigh Farm.  The issues raised were noted.

The Council meeting was formerly opened at 7.38pm.

22/001] Election of Chairman.

            Cllr Whitehouse was nominated for Chairman, proposed, seconded and Resolved.

22/002] Delivery of declaration of acceptance of office.

            Cllr Whitehouse signed the declaration of acceptance of office as Chairman, witnessed by the clerk. 

22/003] Election of Vice Chairman.

            Cllr Williams was nominated for Vice Chairman, proposed, seconded and Resolved.

22/004] Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given.

            Apologies were received from Cllr Gray and it was resolved to accept the reason given.  County Cllr Sear also sent apologies.

22/005] Review of standing orders, code of conduct, financial regulations, asset register, general data protection and risk management.

            It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the documents in their current form.  The Clerk made councillors aware of a new code of conduct which may have to be addressed in the future.

22/006] Diary of meetings for the coming year.

            The following dates were agreed; 11 July, 12 September, 14 November, 9 January 2023 and 13 March 2023.

22/007] Declarations of interest and applications for dispensations.

            Cllr White declared an interest in planning application N/112/00750/22 and was given dispensation to take part in discussions but not to participate in any voting.

22/008] Conform draft minutes of the meeting on 14 March 2022 as a true record.  

            It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the distributed notes as the minutes, signed by the Chairman.

22/009] Clerk’s report on outstanding matters.

            Emails regarding the speed limit issues on Strubby Road raised at the Annual Parish Meeting had been passed on to Cllr Sear and we have had a response from Highways saying they will investigate the matter but it will not be treated as an emergency issue.  The GDF PowerPoint had also been forwarded to the concerned resident.  Emails of thanks had been sent to Grange Leisure Park regarding the footpath on Maltby Straight and to ELDC Technical Services for the repair to the Hodgetoft Lane sign.  Cllr Harrison had also been emailed regarding the Council’s concerns over the level of service being provided by ELDC technical services department given the problems over the sign repair and the ongoing issues with the footway lights in the village.  Latest reports indicate work the lights will start on 17 May.  AGAR forms for an exempt Council had been downloaded and the accounts sent to the Internal Auditor.  The yearly VAT reclaim had been submitted and payment received.  Draft minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting had been posted on the website.  All end of year payments were made on time and in the new financial year LALC subs have been paid and a monthly standing order has been set up for payment of the Clerk’s salary.  ELDC have paid the precept but had made an error in payment by a vast sum of money.  The Clerk took advice from LALC given the large amount involved and they advised as the overpayment was made in error the money could be repaid without holding a special meeting provided it was included in the minutes of the next Council Meeting.

22/010] Chairman’s report.

            There had been another visit by the speed camera van in the village.  The defibrillator details had been passed on to Cllr Gray who going to put up a notice to ring her if the device was being used.  How to commemorate the passing of former Cllr Baildon was discussed and it was agreed to liaise with the Village Hall Committee in providing a plaque to be displayed in the Village Hall and split the costs.

22/011] Reports from outside bodies.

            The Chairman allowed this item to be heard at the beginning of the meeting for the benefit of those members of the public who had to leave early.  Cllr Harrison explained the various reasons behind the delays for accommodating Ukrainian refugees.  She went on to give information about proposed community diagnostic centres opening in various areas and encouraged all to register your preferences using the Lincs NHS website where there was also information on nuclear medicines and a mental health helpline available 24/7.  There was a Wellbeing Hub open in Mablethorpe on a Tuesday, 9-12.  

22/012] Review insurance cover and renewal.

            The renewal from Zurich was reviewed and it was resolved to accept a new 5-year Long Term Agreement where yearly increases will be index linked.

22/013] Financial matters.

  1. The internal auditor had inspected the Council’s accounts and was happy all was in order, completing and signing the Annual Internal Audit Report.
  2. Annual Governance & Accountability Return;
  1. The Annual Governance Statement 2021/22 was carefully considered before proposal of acceptance, seconded and resolved with the Chairman and Clerk signing the document. 
  2. It was then proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the Annual Accounting Statement for 2021/22 and duly signed and dated.
  3. It was proposed, seconded and resolved to submit a certificate of exemption 2021/22 from a limited assurance review under Section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015.
  4. The period for the Notice of Public Rights for an exempt authority was set to run from 13 June to 22 July and would be published on the website.
  1. The current financial statement and bank reconciliation were accepted.
  2. Resolved payments; Zurich Insurance £240.99, J Alldridge £50.00, R Aldrich GM £173.00.
  3. Repayment to ELDC of precept overpayment noted as £316,631.50.


22/014] Footpath Clearance Work.

            The quote received for clearing the footpath between the Water Treatment Works and the Bus Stop was considered and it was resolved to accept this and instruct our contractor to carry out the work at his earliest convenience.

22/015] Planning.

            Applications N/112/00750/22 Plot 2 Hodgetoft Lane and N/112/00738/22 Stoneleigh Farm were discussed at length noting the earlier observations from the public session.  The Council agreed to submit objections to both applications highlighting its concern over several issues.

22/016] Correspondence.

            The following correspondence was noted; ElanCity products, Clerk & Councils Direct and Lloyds Bank.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.40pm.