14 March minutes


PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams, A White, J Gray and clerk G Simpson, along with County Cllr N Sear.

21/055] Chairman’s welcome.

            The Chairman opened the Council meeting after the Annual Parish Meeting finished, at which there had been a minute’s silence in respect of the death of former Councillor, Philip Baildon.  The Chairman asked councillors to think how best to commemorate his service to the village.

21/056] Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given.

            Cllr Hill-Andrews sent apologies as he was isolating due to Covid and it was resolved to accept his reason for absence.

21/057] Declarations of interest and applications for dispensations.


21/058] Conformation of draft minutes of the meeting on 8 November 2021 as a true record.  

            It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the distributed notes as the minutes, signed by the Chairman.

21/059] Clerk’s report on outstanding matters.

            The Bank mandate has been updated as requested and all approved payments made.  The defibrillator charge-pack and pads order had finally been delivered and fitted.  Cllr Gray volunteered to take over vigilance regarding the defibrillator and box.  Planning comments had been submitted as instructed and Steve Batchelor (LRSP) had been contacted regarding the mobile speed camera which was scheduled to appear in the village, this was now occurring, the instruction had not passed down the line of command.  A letter had been sent to our MP asking her to lobby for the permission to use Zoom meeting to be re-instated.  The precept form had been submitted to ELDC. 

There had been a tremendous battle with Technical Services at ELDC to accept responsibility for repairing the nameplate sign at Hodgetoft Lane.  They spent more time and money arguing it was not their responsibility than the probable cost of the actual repair, although when finally agreeing to carry out the repair it was done quickly and to a good standard.  Given the long delays the parish was experiencing with service to the footway lights by the same department (6 & 17 month waiting so far) it was agreed to report the matter to our District Councillor asking her to lobby the Portfolio holder regarding the poor level of service the residents of Maltby le Marsh have received.

The clerk had attended the virtual meeting regarding the proposed Geological Disposal Facility at Theddlethorpe, which he found very educational.  Monthly meetings are proposed to keep local councils informed and the clerk suggested Councillors should tune in when the invites arrive.  The end of the financial year is fast approaching and a meeting with the new Internal Auditor is to be arranged.

21/060] Chairman’s report.

            The Post office facility at Oham lakes was no longer available and the Turk’s Head had only been opening on Thursday, Friday and Saturdays.  The pathway to Mablethorpe from Grange Leisure Park was now complete.  He had met with Cllr Sear and the Highways Officer on 17 November regarding the condition of Maltby Straight and the possibility of introducing a 50mph speed limit along that stretch.  They said repairs to the road would be made when the pavement works were finished.  Mr Aldrich had finally attended to the pathway on Strubby Road and it is now about twice the width.

21/061] Reports from outside bodies.

            Cllr Sear encouraged people to lobby our MP to get back the £12 million cut in our road’s maintenance grant.  She also reported on the increases in Council tax and the difficulties people with suicidal tendencies have in our area finding any available support.

21/062] Financial matters.

            The current budget report was presented and the bank reconciliation was approved.  It was resolved to make the following payments; ICO £35.00, R Aldrich GM £96.00, G Simpson £367.50, LALC £148.84.  It was resolved to set up a monthly standing order for payment of the Clerk’s salary starting in the new financial year.

21/063] Footway lights update.

            ELDC Technical Services had been contacted for an update on the issues regarding the footway lights.  They report Covid restrictions and having no contractor have resulted in further setbacks but it is hoped to have works completed by 31 March 2022 on columns 13, 15, 20 and 21.

21/064] Planning.

            It was noted N/112/02346/21, former Service Station, had received approval of section 73 application.  N/110/00516/20, Grange leisure Park, seasonal occupancy of caravans appeal had been withdrawn.

21/065] Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

            A short discussion took place regarding Council involvement with possible events being planned in the village to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

21/066] Correspondence.

            The following was noted; Clerk & Councils Direct, Lloyds Bank statements, change of mandate and changes to online business banking.

21/067] Date of next meeting.

            The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Monday 9 May 2022 at 7.00pm.


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.40pm.