minutes 5 September


PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams, A White, S Hill-Andrews, J Gray and clerk G Simpson, along with one member of the public.

Public Session.

            A letter from a member of the public was read out concerning the possible use of funds that may become available if the GDF at Theddlethorpe proceeds.

22/030] Chairman’s welcome.

            The Chairman opened the Council meeting at 7.09pm.

22/031] Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given.

            Apologies were received from Cllrs Sear and Harrison who had other meetings to attend at the same time.

22/032] Declarations of interest and applications for dispensations.


22/033] Conformation of draft minutes of the meeting on 11 July 2022 as a true record.  

            It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the distributed notes as the minutes, signed by the Chairman.

22/034] Clerk’s report on outstanding matters.

            The Clerk reported all approved payments had been made and the Council’s laptop had been in for a service at the cost of £35.  The new street light (20) and pole 15 are still no working, ELDC have been contacted and they hope all will be resolved some time in September.  The Clerk had attended a Zoom meeting with LALC regarding the operation of their new website, which he found useful.  After the last meeting both LCC Highways and Anglian Water had been contacted regarding the planning application at “Rose Marie”.  Highways had already made a site visit and were awaiting a traffic report before commenting.  Anglian Water was made aware of resident’s concerns and eventually agreed to carry out a capacity test in the area after various communications between the Clerk, AW and the East Lindsey planning officer.  Maltby le Marsh is classed as a medium village in the East Lindsey Local Plan but has recently lost several facilities, so it was suggested to request East Lindsey for a reassessment of the settlement plan.

22/035] Chairman’s report.

            The Chairman reported a traffic survey had taken place in the village about 2 weeks ago.  The hedge along from the village hall requires a trim, Cllr White has it in hand.  The Chairman thanked John Alldridge for his decision to continue with the newsletters.  The Garden Competition remains unjudged as he has been unable to contact the person who normally arranges it.  The recent scarecrow event did not appear to be as well supported as usual.  A planning application for caravans in Addlethorpe had been covered by Look North on the BBC, so the Chairman had emailed them regarding the situation in the village but had no reply.  A resident had enquired if any litter picking had been organised by the Village Hall Committee since they had been awarded a grant and had acquired some equipment, the Chair asked Cllr Williams to enquire.

22/036] Reports from outside bodies.

            There were no reports.

22/037] Financial matters.

            The current budget report was presented and the bank reconciliation was approved.  Payment to Lincolnshire Photographers for £35.00 was noted and it was resolved to make the following payments; J Alldridge £50.00 and R Aldrich GM as per contract for July/ August grass cutting.  It was also resolved to remain opted in to the SAAA central external auditor appointment arrangements.

22/038] LGA Code of Conduct.

            Discussions were held regarding the adoption of the LGA Code of Conduct.  However, as one councillor had been unable to access the document before the meeting it was agreed to defer a decision to the next meeting.

22/039] Civility and Respect Pledge.

            General feeling was civility and respect was already covered in the Code of Conduct but councillors agreed to sign up to the pledge.

22/040] Commemorative Plaque for Philip Baildon.

            The Village Hall Committee were not entirely happy with the Council’s proposed wording of the commemorative plaque, so it was agreed to put forward a slightly revised wording for their consideration.

22/041] Planning.

            Application N/112/01590/22 Land adjacent to Braeside was discussed and it was decided to submit no comments. It was noted that N/112/00979/22 Plot 4 Hodgetoft Lane had received full planning permission with conditions.

22/042] Correspondence.

            The following was noted; Clerk & Councils Direct, Lloyds Bank, and LALC newsletter.

22/043] Date of next meeting.

            The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 14 November 2022 at 7.00pm.  The Anne Bolles EF annual meeting will be held at the conclusion of the Parish Council meeting.


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.30pm.