minutes 8 November


PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams, A White, J Gray and clerk G Simpson, along with 1 member of the public, District Cllr S Harrison and County Cllr N Sear.

Public Session.

            Mr Alldridge expressed a wish to terminate his involvement with the parish newsletter having given many years’ service, but the Chairman persuaded him to continue for another year.

21/041] Chairman’s welcome.

            The Chairman opened the Council meeting at 7.08 pm.

21/042] Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given.


21/043] Declarations of interest and applications for dispensations.


21/044] Conformation of draft minutes of the meeting on 13 September 2021 as a true record.  

            It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the distributed notes as the minutes, signed by the Chairman.

21/045] Clerk’s report on outstanding matters.

            A note of thanks had been sent to Woodthorpe Garden Centre for their continued support of the Garden Competition.  Anne Bolles EF notices had been posted in the village and on the website.  Mr Aldrich had been contacted regarding the overgrown bus shelter and the work has been completed.  Planning comments had been submitted as requested and Councillor vacancy notices and co-option details have been posted.  Safelincs have been contacted for an update on the Defib Pad Order DP34121 and they are still waiting for supplies to be delivered, there being a country-wide shortage, and we are in the queue for dispatch when they finally arrive.

21/046] Chairman’s report.

            Another “welcome to Maltby le Marsh” letter has been delivered to new residents.  The hedge on the approach to the Churchyard has been trimmed by Mr Morton and Mrs White has sent him a letter of thanks and informed him there is a funeral scheduled this week.  The new speed signs were delivered and some have been put up, but the mobile speed camera van has yet to be noticed.  The clerk was asked to request an update on when it can be expected.  Clearing the bus shelter had revealed it to be in a shabby state but as it is not now on a bus route and not used was it worth spending money on repairs?  The bin in the churchyard is full and footpath work on Strubby Road still has not been done; the clerk was asked to contact Mr Aldrich regarding these matters.  The Village Hall Committee have organised a service of remembrance to be held on Saturday.

21/047] Reports from outside bodies.

            Cllr Harrison spoke about the current Hospital Consultation which involves a review of acute services which will be available at the various sites in the county.  The issues at Theddlethorpe regarding nuclear waste storage are causing great concern with some very unpleasant behaviour being experienced by both individuals and the Village Hall.  Cllr Sear went on to give further details of troubles being experienced in the village and details of meetings being arranged by all parties concerned at various locations and she recommended attending any of these meetings to get a better insight into what is actually happening.  On other matters, Cllr Sear said the waste site at Mablethorpe will not be re-opening and she also arranged, with the Chairman, a date to meet with the new highways officer so they could discuss the state of Maltby Straight and try to get some improvements after the new footpath work is complete.

21/048] Financial matters.

            The current financial report was presented and the bank reconciliation was approved.  It was resolved to make the following payments; R Aldrich GM £193.00 and £104.00, G Simpson £367.50.  The Budget for 2022/23 was considered and it was resolved to accept the presented proposals.  The request for funding for Citizens Advice was declined.  It was resolved to accept the proposed changes to the Bank Mandate and the forms were signed.

21/049] Councillor Co-option.

            The Council voted unanimously to co-opt Steve Hill-Andrews as the new councillor to replace Philip Baildon who had resigned.  This means the parish council will have to appoint a new Internal Auditor.

21/050] Report from Transport Strategy meeting.

            Cllr Williams gave a short report of the transport strategy meeting she attended at Mablethorpe on 28 September.  Currently bus timetables are not well integrated in our area with some unreasonable last departure times from places like Lincoln.

21/051] Planning.

            It was noted N/112/00175/21 School Farm had received full planning permission with conditions despite various objections.  Comments on N/112/01527 & N/112/01564/21 Manor Farm Cottage had been submitted.  Pre-planning consultation ELI18304 regarding a telecoms mast to be sited at the northern end of the village was noted.

21/052] Anne Bolles Educational Foundation Annual Meeting.

            The date of the Annual Meeting for trustees was agreed as 30 November 2021 at 7.00pm via the Zoom platform.

21/053] Correspondence.

            The following was noted; Lloyds Bank statements.

21/054] Date of next meeting.

            The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 10 January 2022 at 7.00pm.


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.40pm.