minutes 12 July


PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams, P Baildon, J Gray and clerk G Simpson, along with 3 members of the public, County Cllr N Sear and District Cllr S Harrison.

Public Session.

            It was reported the entrance to the churchyard from Strubby Road was obstructed by an overgrown hedge, the Chairman agreed to approach the owner to request remedial action.  Questions were asked if business activities at Aljec House were properly sanctioned but, as far as the Parish Council is aware, ELDC is happy all is in order.  Speeding in the village and the state of Maltby Straight were also raised, but these would be brought up during the meeting.

21/015] Chairman’s welcome.

            The Chairman opened the Council meeting at 7.06, welcoming those present to the first face to face meeting since March 2020.

21/016] Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given.

            No apologies had been received.

21/017] Declarations of interest and applications for dispensations.


21/018] Conformation of draft minutes of the meeting on 4 May 2021 as a true record.  

            It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the distributed notes as the minutes, signed by the Chairman.

21/019] Clerk’s report on outstanding matters.

            All approved payments had been made.  The Certificate of Exemption had been submitted to the external auditor and all appropriate financial documents were available to view on the Council’s website.  The council had chosen not to submit comments on 3 planning applications, just expressed neutral views neither for nor against.  Anglian Water had been contacted regarding the equipment which has been attached to the bus shelter at Hodgetoft Lane, but they claim it is not theirs and know nothing about it.  Lloyds bank had been contacted about the FSCS after receipt of a letter and after a lengthy phone call a complaint was eventually raised and upheld with a small compensation payment made.  With the election of a new County Councillor, appropriate forms had been sent to LCC regarding the appointment of a new trustee to the Anne Bolles Educational Foundation.  Consequently, Cllr Sear is now registered as a trustee with the Charities Commission replacing Graham Cullen and the Annual Return for the Foundation was submitted at the same time.

21/020] Chairman’s report.

            Mr. Thorndike had made a good job of repainting the seat on 3 June and it was suggested a letter of thanks be sent.  The seat near the old phone box was overgrown and it was agreed to ask Mr Aldrich to tidy up the area around it.  Three updated “welcome to Maltby le Marsh” letters had been delivered to new residents and seemed to be well received.  The Garden Competition has been judged recently and the new winners and runner-up will be announced shortly.

21/021] Reports from outside bodies.

            Cllr Harrison reported ELDC had handed out a lot of money regarding the Covid situation.  Face to face meetings had started but the council chamber was too small for full council at present.  Also, she has been appointed to a position with EMAS, so if there were any queries or questions regarding that service, she would be happy to assist.

Cllr Sear had arranged a meeting with a Highways manager earlier that day regarding the state of Maltby Straight.  The Chairman and Cllr Baildon had been able to attend and learned a survey was to be undertaken in the coming month to determine what action might be required.  They also suggested a 50mph speed limit might be appropriate for that stretch of road.

21/022] Financial matters.

            The quarterly budget report was presented and the bank reconciliation was approved.  It was resolved to approve the following payments; J Alldridge £50.00, R Aldrich GM as per contract for May/June cutting.

21/023] Lincolnshire Police and PCC safer together coordinator, East Lindsey.

            A letter received from Chris Davison, ACC local policing, was noted.  A letter from Steve Batchelor, senior manager at LRSP, and email from Roisin Mullee, safer together coordinator, regarding the recent traffic survey undertaken in the village were discussed at length and both were thanked for their input.  The location of the recording equipment opposite “School Farm” was questioned and not thought to be the best position in the village, with more suitable sites being available if councillors had been consulted.  The offer to supply new Community Speed Watch signs free of charge should be accepted.  The results of the survey together with an analysis of the collision data show that the criteria required for either a fixed or mobile speed camera enforcement is not met.  Cllr Baildon quoted the Department of Transport Circular 01/2007, paragraph 30 and suggested we request LRSP to abide by the DoT circular and implement the mobile speed camera in our village, with the necessary signs at 1Km along the route, due to the community concern over speeding vehicles.  He also suggested the Council make a Freedom of Information request for a copy of the road accident statistics for the A1104 between Mile Lane at Mablethorpe and the B1373 at Woodthorpe.

21/024] Planning.

            It was noted applications N/112/00795/21 4 Stoneleigh Farm Drive, N/112/00802/21 Crown Cottage and N/112/01220/21 Sycamore House had all received Full Planning Permission.  It was also noted appeal on N/110/00516/20 land at Grange Leisure Park regarding seasonal occupancy will be determined by inquiry.

21/025] Correspondence.

            The following was noted; LIVES magazine, Lloyds Bank notification of resolved complaint and bank statements, Clerk & Councils Direct.

21/026] Date of meetings.

            The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 13 September 2021 at 7.00pm.  Subsequent meetings will be held on the second Monday of the odd numbered months


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.03pm.