minutes 4 May


PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams, A White, J Gray and clerk G Simpson, along with 1 member of the public.

21/001] Election of Chairman.

            Cllr Whitehouse was nominated for Chairman, proposed, seconded and Resolved.

21/002] Delivery of declaration of acceptance of office.

Cllr Whitehouse signed the declaration of acceptance of office as Chairman, witnessed by the clerk. 

21/003] Election of Vice Chairman.

            Cllr Williams was nominated for Vice Chairman, proposed, seconded and Resolved.

21/004] Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given.

            Apologies were received from Cllr Baildon, councillors wished him a speedy recovery.

21/005] Review of standing orders, code of conduct, financial regulations, asset register, general data protection and risk management.

            It was proposed, seconded and resolved to not make any amendments to any of the documents at this time.

21/006] Diary of meetings for the coming year.

            With the uncertainty around Covid and face to face meetings, as zoom meetings will not be allowed after 6 May 2021, the Council decided it would need to use the main hall.  Availability will be checked with the Village Hall Committee.  Councillors were willing to change the usual meeting night if required and a date week commencing 21 June 2021 would be sought.

21/007] Declarations of interest and applications for dispensations.


21/008] Conformation of draft minutes of the meeting on 9 Mar 2021 as a true record.  

            It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the distributed notes as the minutes, signed by the Chairman.

21/009] Clerk’s report on outstanding matters.

            All approved payments had been made and appropriate planning comments submitted on time, along with support for the reported tree work in the preservation area.  Mr Thorndike had been contacted regarding the state of the restored seat near the bus stop reported at the Annual Parish meeting and he had agreed to meet the Chair to discuss the situation.  All the finance documents had been delivered to the Internal Auditor for the annual audit and the appropriate forms for the AGAR have been downloaded from the External Auditor.  The VAT reclaim has been submitted and payment received.  Also, the precept payment from ELDC has been made.

21/010] Chairman’s report.

            At a site meeting with Mr. Thorndike he kindly agreed to repaint the seat using Hammerite paint hoping it would have a longer lasting effect.  The Safer Together Coordinator, East Lindsey has informed the Council an “Archers Speed Test” is being carried out in the village and she will inform us of the outcome.  However, Cllr Baildon had already received a letter from the management at LRSP informing that a covert camera had been placed in the village and the data was currently being studied.

21/011] Reports from outside bodies.

            There were no reports.

21/012] Review insurance cover and renewal.

            The renewal from Zurich was reviewed, this being the last year of the long-term undertaking.  It was resolved to accept the cover shown in the new policy schedule.

21/013] Financial matters.

  1. The internal auditor had inspected the Council’s accounts and was happy all was in order, completing and signing the Annual Internal Audit Report.
  2. Annual Governance & Accountability Return;
  1. The Annual Governance Statement 2020/21 was carefully considered before proposal of acceptance, seconded and resolved with the Chairman and Clerk signing the document. 
  2. It was then proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the Annual Accounting Statement for 2020/21 and duly signed and dated.
  3. It was proposed, seconded and resolved to fill out and sign the exemption certificate for an external limited assurance review which will be submitted to the appointed external auditors PKF Littlejohn LLP.
  4. The period for the Notice of Public Rights for an exempt authority was set to run from 14 June to 23 July and would be published on the website.
  1. The current financial statement and bank reconciliation were accepted.
  2. The request for a £10 donation from Lincs Lowland Search & rescue was granted.
  3. Resolved payments; Zurich Insurance £249.48, Lincs Lowland Search & Rescue £10, R Aldrich GM (as per contract for March/April cutting), Clerk’s salary/expenses £367.50.

21/014] Planning

            Enforcement notice 112/00183/21/N for School Farm was noted.  Applications N/112/00792/21, 4 Stoneleigh Farm drive, and N/112/00802/21, Crown Cottage, were discussed and councillors agreed to pass no comments with a neutral view on both applications, to be submitted by the clerk.


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.10pm.