draft minutes 10 March



PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams, A White, and clerk G Simpson, also County Cllr N Sear and District Cllr T Hesketh.

24/073] Chairman’s welcome.

            The Chairman opened the Council meeting at 7.11pm.

24/074] Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given.

            Apologies were received from councillors J Gray and S Hill-Andrews.

24/075] Declarations of interest and applications for dispensations.


24/076] Conformation of minutes of the meeting on 13 January 2025 as a true record.  

            It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the distributed notes as the minutes, signed by the Chairman.

24/077] Clerk’s report on outstanding matters.

            The Clerk reported all approved payments had been made.  A letter of support had been sent to Mablethorpe Town Council regarding the statement about the Community Partnership.  Lincolnshire Gliding Club’s free flights for locals could be included in the newsletter.  Clarity Homecare have provided a poster advertising their services which may also be considered for the newsletter.  The clerk had provided various documents for the Chairman in support of the grant application to the Community Fund for the speed signs.

24/078] Chairman’s report.

            The Chairman reported the police camera van is still attending regularly.  He also gave a brief account of his attendance and impressions of the Nuclear Waste Services presentation at the Village Hall.

24/079] Reports from outside bodies.

            Cllr Sear reported an extension to the speed limit on Strubby Road has finally received approval, followed by a report on the various activities of Nuclear Waste Services in the area.

            Cllr Hesketh continued the NWS theme saying it had been ongoing for 5 years now and had a serious effect on house prices.  It was not only our waste that would be stored but that of other countries as well.  He claimed that of the 535 people who had attended the 8 events put on by NWS 90% voted to stop the process now.  ELDC had left the Community Partnership and he was actively lobbying LCC to do the same.  ELDC had passed motions to oppose the GDF and seek expenses.  There was even now talk of the Theddlethorpe site being suitable for some form of a nuclear power station!  It appears some people will be offered £250 compensation for the siting of pylons close to their properties.

24/080] Financial matters.

            The current financial report was presented and the bank reconciliation was approved.  The first service charges for the bank account were taken at the end of February and the interest rate on the saving account will fall in April.  Payments approved; R Aldrich GM £37.50, Clerk expenses £36.00 and in April, LALC subs £166.72. 

24/081] Speed signs.

            The grant from NWS has been received.  The Road Safety Partnership have visited the village and recommended the positions for the poles and are arranging their installation by LCC in the next month or two.  The Chairman has the formal quote for the pair of signs from Elan City, with delivery being 4 to 5 days it was agreed to order them when work on the poles started.

24/082] Village Hall.

            There was discussion on the proposal to install solar panels on the Village Hall roof and it was agreed to send a letter of support for the Village Hall Committee’s application to the Community Fund for a grant to achieve this.

24/083] Community Partnership.

            This item was dealt with during the outside body reports.

24/084] Lincolnshire Gliding Club.

            The Club have received funding to be able to offer locals free flights, details of which are being advertised on social media.

24/085] Planning.

            Consultation from the Planning Inspectorate on the scoping report for the Ossian Offshore wind farm project has been received.  It was agreed the make no formal response.

24/086] Correspondence.

            Correspondence noted from; Lloyds Bank, Broxap street furniture, Glasdon Products, Elan City, and Clerk & Councils Direct.

24/087] Confirm date of next meeting.

            The date of the next meeting, the Annual Council Meeting, was confirmed as 12 May 2025.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.10pm.