minutes 13 January


PRESENT; Cllrs. D Whitehouse, J Gray, A White, S Hill-Andrews. Also present, County Councillor N Sear.

24/057] Chairman’s Welcome.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 7pm as there were no members of the public present.

24/058] Apologies for absence.

Cllr B Williams, District Councillor T Hesketh and Clerk, G Simpson. Cllr J Gray to take the minutes of the meeting in the absence of the Clerk.

24/059] Declarations of Interest and applications for dispensations.


24/060] Confirmation of minutes of the meeting on 11November as a true record.               

It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the distributed notes as the minutes, signed by the Chairman.

24/061] Clerk’s Report on outstanding matters.

The Chairman reported that the Clerk has made all agreed payments, updated the webpage, and transferred £800 to the bank account.

24/062] Chairman’s report.

 As requested, the contractor Robert Aldridge has cut back the overgrown vegetation around the graves in the churchyard and made tidy. He also cleaned the noticeboard at Hodgetoft Lane. The Chairman has spoken to the owner of the church, artist Scott Norwood Witts, who will be happy to show the P.C. around the church when he is next in the area. The Police Camera Van is still attending. It was also noted that there had been a bad flood on the bend going out of Maltby towards Beesby on 6th January.

24/063] Reports from outside bodies.

The Chairman thanked Noi Sear for her determination and perseverance in getting the road to Mablethorpe re-surfaced, ahead of its expected deadline. It’s a huge improvement. She said that there is a possibility of traffic lights being installed at the end of Maltby straight at the Theddlethorpe and Mile Lane junctions, to slow traffic. The preferred roundabout will not be possible as there is not enough available land and a mini roundabout is deemed unsuitable. She is looking at the feasibility of applying to NWS for a grant to pay for this.

24/064] Village Hall remedial work funding request.

Councillors considered the Village Hall’s request for matched funding for the £800 required to remedy some damp in the meeting room. It was felt they must turn down this request due to the lack of spare Parish Council funds.

24/065] Financial Matters.

The current financial report was presented and the bank reconciliation approved. It was resolved to approve the expenses for the next Newsletter, due in February in advance of the next meeting and other regular payments, agreed.

24/066] Speed Signs.

The Chairman is in the process of applying for funding from NWS for the purchase of 2 solar powered speed awareness signs, the posts to display them and a 10 year extended warranty. With the 2 year manufacturer’s warranty, this will cover a 12 year period. Joe Blissett, Grants Manager for Nuclear Waste Services is assisting with the application.

24/067] Consider joint response to NWS by parish councils.

The committee considered the following statement;

‘Given the number of competing proposals for the former Theddlethorpe gas terminal site, NWS have announced they are broadening their search for the above ground works further inland, within the existing search area. As a parish council, town council, or community meeting within the search area, we are collectively asking NWS to provide greater transparency in their plans to engage widely and effectively with the villages their proposal may affect. To this end, consideration of support, (or otherwise) from your council or parish meeting is sought.’

It was agreed that this statement be supported by Maltby Le Marsh P.C.

24/068] Lincolnshire Gliding Club.

The Gliding club at Strubby, in an effort to attract new members, may be able to offer free flights to villagers. It was agreed that J Gray will advertise this in the next newsletter.

24/069] Planning.

There is nothing to consider at present.

24/070] Correspondence.

There is no correspondence to consider this meeting.

24/071] Clerk’s Future.

The chairman reported that the Clerk, Graham Simpson is unwell and unable to attend meetings in the future. He has previously told the meeting that he will be retiring when he becomes an OAP, but now feels that he may have to resign sooner. He has therefore asked if the P.C. will start to actively make representations to replace him. He is willing to continue to work from home on the council’s business, until a replacement can be found. Those present all agreed that he will be very much missed, as his knowledge and wise counsel have been invaluable over the years. The Chairman will ask him if he knows of another Clerk with previous experience, who may be willing to step in.

24/072] Confirm date of next meeting.

The date was confirmed as 10th March 2025 at 7pm.

Cllr J Gray gave apologies in advance, for the next meeting, as she will be away on holiday.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.53pm.