draft minutes APM 2025


Minutes of the Maltby le Marsh Annual Parish Meeting held on Monday, 10 March 2025 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.

     1] The Chairman of the Parish Council, Cllr D Whitehouse welcomed Cllrs B Williams, A White, County Cllr N Sear, District Cllr T Hesketh, and the Parish Clerk to the Annual Parish Meeting. Apologies from Cllrs Gray and Hill-Andrews.

     2] Notes of the last meeting were resolved as the minutes, signed by the Chairman.

     3] There were no reports on outstanding matters.

     4] Annual report from the Chairman of the Parish Council;

I hope my 13th annual report is not an ill omen for the coming year, certainly the situations in Ukraine and Gaza are very worrying.

I again tank my fellow Councillors for their help and advice, in particular my Vice Chair Jane Gray who stepped in for me on several occasions.  Thanks also to Noi Sear and Travis Hesketh for their regular attendance.  Noi deserves special thanks for her success in getting the Maltby Straight finally repaired to a high standard.  Travis has pursued several of our concerns with ELDC and it is gratifying to know we have someone in our corner.  Special thanks to Graham for not letting his health issues affect the excellent service he provides.

We have held 5 meetings during the year, public attendance has been poor but perhaps the inference is that residents are content.  Sadly, the village’s last pub, the Turks Head, closed with ELDC allowing its conversion to a private house without question.

John Alldridge retired from his excellent work producing the newsletter after some 13 and a half years.  He was presented with Garden Vouchers by the Parish Council in recognition.  I thank Jane for taking over and maintaining John’s high standards.

The Garden Competition for the Anne Graves Cup was won by Mrs Diane Davies of Timsah with Mr Pete Glover of Amberfield runner up.  Thanks to Adam at Woodthorpe Hall Garden Centre for arranging the judging.

We continue to administer the Anne Bolles Educational Foundation and I am pleased to say that this year we were able to support 2 village children.

Penelope Anderson, Community Resuscitation Officer from EMAS, provided CPR training in July.  Those attending felt the hands-on experience very instructive and worthwhile.

I obtained a free portrait of King Charles III which hangs well in the Village Hall.

We have considered several planning applications during the year.  We objected to the felling of mature oak trees which had conservation orders on them but sadly ELDC ignored our objections as they invariably do.

The Police camera van has regularly been in the village.  I am pleased to announce that funding from the GDF Community Partnership has been granted for 2 solar panel speed awareness signs.  Hopefully they will help reduce speeding through the village.

In conclusion I give thanks to Robert Aldrich for his work in the village and to John Clark for continuing to audit our accounts.

      5] The clerk reported the Parish Council again come in under budget allowing the reserve to build to a more acceptable level and to allow smaller increases in the parish precept.  The bank now charged for the current account and interest in the savings account will again be reduced in April.

      6] There were no questions from the floor.

With no further matters put forward the meeting closed at 7.10pm.